A Snapshot of the Antipodes - La Place 2024


La Place de Bordeaux is an 800-year-old association of négociants working closely with leading châteaux to market their wines. Over the last 25 years, the wine selection has expanded beyond Bordeaux to include leading houses from around the globe. The first Australian wines were sold on La Place in 2020, and that number has grown to 13. This article includes notes on the remaining 2024 fall releases that I had not tasted previously. For ease of reference, already-published reviews can be found here:

2021 Jim Barry Shiraz The Armagh

2022 Penfolds Cabernet Sauvignon Bin 707

2022 Penfolds Shiraz RWT Bin 798

2022 Penfolds Chardonnay Yattarna

2022 Penfolds Cabernet Sauvignon Bin 169

2021 Penfolds Shiraz St Henri

2020 Penfolds Grange

2016 Two Hands Shiraz My Hands

2019 Yalumba Shiraz The Octavius

© 2024, Vinous. No portion of this article may be copied, shared or re-distributed without prior consent from Vinous. Doing so is not only a violation of our copyright, but also threatens the survival of independent wine criticism.

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